In quale formato Apple Mail archivia le sue e-mail?
2012-06-29 23:46:39 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

We're trying to convert a user's email mailbox from Apple Mail to Outlook 2010.

We copied the files off the mac, and they are mostly directories that end in .mbox and contain a folder called Messages containing .emlx files.

The .mbox extension on the folders initially made me think that these messages were in the mbox format, but after some research I found that the mbox format is actually a single file, so that rules out it being in that format.

Tre risposte:
2012-06-30 00:27:46 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

You can find a description of the format based on an reengineering effort here:

It has three parts:

  1. The length of part 2, in bytes
  2. The message itself
  3. Message metadata (XML Property List)
2012-06-29 23:59:19 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

There was a question on Stack Overflow where the answer linked to a program to convert to mbox format.

It appears to be proprietary and therefore not well documented in the public domain.

Ma il formato non ha un nome?
Beh, penso che si chiami solo EMLX
2014-02-16 13:07:08 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

Il codice del sito vengefulcow è carino, ma necessita di una leggera modifica se stai scherzando con le versioni più recenti di OSX e caselle di posta imap, ecco una differenza unificata:

  $ diff -u emlx2mbox / emlx2mbox.rb emlx2mbox-works / emlx2mbox.rb --- emlx2mbox / emlx2mbox.rb 2006-12-13 12: 02: 41.000000000-0500 +++ emlx2mbox-works / emlx2mbox.rb 2014-02-16 01:28 : 38.775293976 -0500 @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ # Compila i messaggi nelle directory di mbox. mbox_dirs = Dir.entries (source_dir) .find_all do | entry |"#{source_dir}/#{entry} ") e- (voce [-5 ..- 1] ==" .mbox ") + (voce [-9 ..- 1] ==" .imapmbox ") end #find_all mbox_dirs.each do | dir | if"#{source_dir}/#{dir}/Messages")@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ subdirs = Dir.entries (source_dir) .find_all do | entry |"#{source_dir}/#{entry} ") e voce [0, 1]! =". " and- entry [-5 ..- 1]! = ".mbox" + entry [-9 ..- 1]! = ".imapmbox" end #do subdirs.each do | dir | self.convert_mailboxes ("# {source_dir} / # {dir}", "# {dest_dir} / # {dir}")  

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